John 5:29  and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.

John 5:19-30 Declarations Summary

How many ways is it pointed to by Moses and the prophets, other writers to today?  Here are some specific concepts pointed to those who would listen more than in passing “I am equal with God”  John 5:19–20 “I am the giver of life”John5:21 “I am the final judge” (John 5:22–23 “I will determine the …

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The writings of the disciple who Jesus loved -I.A.M.

Concerning the writings of the disciple who Jesus loved ETERNAL NO BEGINNING lit. “in beginning” WEDDING CANA miracle 1 results disciples believing RELIGIOUS CONVERSATION Nicodemus he is intrigued OUTCAST CONVERSION Woman @ well in Samaria  is converted and discipling others; after that others would seek him directly for healing John 4:46-54 DELEGATION from the Father- Jesus verbally reveals in word …

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