John 5:1

John transitions to a location humans are a source of healing, The paralytic says there is, “no man to put me in”.  In addition, this spring is credited by man’s religion and pagan mythology of the day. Yet Jesus seeks this paralytic out in this place. Jesus seeks out the hurting and those searching for other deities  more than being summoned by the noblemen Jesus enters without invitation

John 5:1

“After these things” refer back to the healing continuing a healing narrative of nobleman’s son John  4:46-54


“the feast”EXPLICITLY STATED Passovers are John 2:13  John 6:4  John 11:55  are mentioned in John’s gospel narrative. John’s gospel may not be sequential instead of topical in some places but still it would be odd to mention the Passover 3 times and then mention “a feast” if it was Passover thus perhaps best tentative conclusion is Pentecost Shavuot, or the Feast of Weeks otherwise John’s gospel is arranged topically not sequential filling in gaps left out in others and that is plausible since there are mentions of “…therefore he went to Galilee came again …” John 4:45–46 leaves open there are themes John uses to bring out a theological truth instead of a strict sequential writing of events, feasts etc the most important things were written, the rest we have to investigate.